Trendz Painting has been providing high-quality residential painting and commercial painting services to the Lower Mainland since 2008.

Trendz Painting believes in producing outstanding results together with a positive experience. The priorities of every job are: incomparable customer service, prompt and competitive quotations, and the flexibility to adapt to any job and schedule.

The foundation for the highest quality of work is a well-prepared work area. We guarantee that preparation of a work area is done with the respect and value of the customer in mind. A completed job should leave no evidence that any painters were there, except for a clean, high-quality paint job.

Trendz Painting is dedicated to providing you the workmanship you deserve!

Jared Martin is the owner and operator, with over 19 years of painting experience. Over the years, Jared has learned that customers prefer a personalized service that makes them feel valued and appreciated. Jared and the team at Trendz Painting understand that every job is unique and requires special treatment and attention.

Kristen Martin is the office manager of Trendz Painting. When the company began, she provided quality hands-on work, keeping up the high standard of the painting and customer service. Now Kristen helps manage the company behind the scenes, supporting Trendz Painting through the head office and supports employee management.


Our goal is to deliver superior craftsmanship and exceptional quality while upholding our eco-friendly values and duty of sustainability, and being devoted to keeping prices competitive and sensible.


"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs" - Brundtland Commission of the United Nations.

In an industry that could potentially have a lot of waste we're dedicated to the practices of reuse, reduce, and recycle. Some of our environmentally preferable solutions are:

  • Use products with low or no VOC's (Volatile organic compound) - what are VOC's? click here to find out more;
  • Recycle products correctly and efficiently so they are discarded according to environmental standards;
  • Use eco-friendly solvents;
  • Use re-useable drop clothes;
  • Tray liners are made of recycled mats;
  • Only use quality brushes and roller sleeves that can be reused a multitude of times;
  • Use suppliers that are dedicated to improving their sustainability; and,
  • Devoted to finding the environmentally friendly option.

Using green friendly products is not only positive for the environment, but creates a healthier atmosphere for you as well. Did you know that eco-friendly products can protect against airborne pollutants? With people spending almost 90% of their time indoors this is extremely important!

Conventional paints cause landfill and ground water contamination. These harmful products that contain VOC's may include: benzene, formaldehyde, kerosene, ammonia, toluene and xylene, which are known to be carcinogens and neurotoxins.

We believe it's our responsibility to be kind to our environment, and would love to assist you in achieving those goals as well.

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Trendz Painting
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Trendz Painting provides residential and commercial painting and finishing services in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley.

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